
City of Odessa Starts Seal Coating 6/8/11

The City of Odessa will begin its annual street seal coat project as early as Wednesday, June 8. Ronald R. Wagner Co. of Kendalia, Texas has been contracted to seal coat approximately 28 miles of streets. The work is expected to be complete by July 29.

Major streets to be seal coated include:
* Third Street from County Road West to Grant Street.
* Murphy from west City limits to Grant Street.
* Clements from County Road West to Grant Street.
* Crane Avenue from Clements to Third Street.

A map with a complete showing of streets to be seal coated, including blocks of residential streets, is available on the City’s website, odessa-tx.gov.

During the actual seal coating process the street will be closed for approximately an hour and then immediately reopened to traffic. Parents should keep children away from seal coat work areas.

Motorists are advised to use caution in the area of construction, encouraged to use alternative routes when possible and drive less than 20 miles per hour on freshly seal coated streets. Residents should park their vehicles as far away as possible when the seal coat operation is underway on their street.

Seal Coat work consists of the application of a layer of liquid asphalt followed by a layer of aggregate rolled into the surface. The purpose of seal coating is to seal cracks in the surface to prevent moisture from entering the pavement structure and provide a new wear surface thereby extending the life of the pavement.

