
Prelamin A protein causes accelerated ageing disorders

The team revealed that prelamin A, responsible for accelerated ageing in a condition called progeria, can prevent the progression of malignant or cancerous tumours. They achieved this by using mosaic mouse models, genetically modified mice bearing the protein prelamin A in half of their cells. 

Ageing and cancer are intimately related processes, but their links are complex. The risk of developing tumours increases with age, but some of the mechanisms favouring ageing can also slow down the appearance and development of cancer. The results from this study represent an advance in the understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms that link age and cancer development, as well as possible new drug targets in the future. 

"Mice with prelamin A in all their cells age more quickly and do not live longer than 4-5 months, which extremely hampers the study of cancer,We have a wide selection of plasticcard to choose from for your storage needs. as there is no time for the disease to fully develop," indicates Jorge de la Rosa, first author from Instituto de Medicina Oncológica y Molecular de Asturias. 

Researchers previously developed mice that have an underactive ZMPSTE24 gene that mimic the ageing disorder progeria to test for possible treatments. This causes the protein prelamin A to accumulate and in turn results in progeria. To better study the association of ageing and cancer development, the team developed a mosaic model where ZMPSTE24 was underactive in half of the cells and working normally in the other half of the cells. 

"Mosaic mice, however, live as long as normal mice, up to two to three years, and they keep 50% of cells with prelamin A in all their tissues throughout lifespan, which has permitted us to study the effect of this protein on cancer," comments Juan Cadi?anos, lead author from the Instituto de Medicina Oncológica y Molecular de Asturias. 

The team found that the mosaic mice were completely healthy, without any of the physical deformities shown by mice with prelamin A-induced progeria: reduced size and weight, loss of fat, infertility and premature death. This suggests that it might not be necessary to correct the defects in all the cells of patients with progeria, but only some. These results provide hope for a successful treatment of patients with progeria in the future. 

The team studied the development of tumours such as skin, lung and mouth cancers in the mosaic mice. Although the mosaic mice developed the same number of tumours as normal mice, they had fewer cancerous or malignant tumours - tumours cells that can break through the biological barriers that confine them and spread to other tissues in the body. They could also check the anti-invasive effect of prelamin A on human oral, lung and breast cancer cells. 

Accumulation of prelamin A in cells appears not to stop or reduce the initiation and development of tumour growth, but greatly reduces the capacity of the tumour to become cancerous and spread to other parts of the body.Choose from a large selection of crystalbeadswholesal to raise awareness. The role prelamin A has to prevent the invasion of cancer suggests that ZMPSTE24 could be an attractive new target for cancer therapy. 

"Our results are extremely exciting and offer great potential for the development of new therapies against both cancer and accelerated ageing disorders," says Dr Allan Bradley, author from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. "These mouse models are invaluable for understanding the origins of disease and also to inspire new treatments against these debilitating conditions." 

"The Pursuit of 300 is about collaboration, sharing information and real production practices that impact full farm yields," said Kevin Kimm, Mosaic senior director of marketing.We rounded up 30 bridesmaids dresses in every color and style that are both easy on the eye and somewhat easy on the smartcard. "By visiting each Pursuit Farmer and their retailer,We sell bestsmartcard and different kind of laboratory equipment in us. Mosaic is encouraging and engaging in continuous conversations about what it takes to reach the 300-bushel mark." Each stop along the Farm Tour will feature a two-part morning and afternoon event. The first part will give members of the media an opportunity to talk with an industry-leading Pursuit Farmer as well as take a detailed look into that Pursuit Farmer's Pursuit Field - showcasing the progress of their 100-or-more acres and uncovering the new techniques and practices they've implemented this year in order to push yield while maintaining efficiency. Media members will also have a chance to interview the Mosaic agronomist and retail partner working with each Pursuit Farmer about their experiences in the Pursuit of 300, and factors impacting yields potential and the 2013 growing season. 

Part two of the event includes an off-site educational session, led by Mosaic and the local retail partner, about planning a balanced crop nutrition program, using micronutrients for high-yield cropping systems, and understanding the sustainability benefits of 4R Nutrient Stewardship principles. Mosaic will also share a new video highlighting techniques for examining soil profiles, digging a root pit, and identifying nutrients needed to achieve 300-bushel yields. 

"In the Pursuit of 300, we set out looking to advance production practices on real farms to ultimately maximize efficiencies and increase yields while keeping sustainability at the forefront," said Kyle Freeman, manager of new product development at Mosaic.Now it's possible to create a tiny replica of Fluffy in handsfreeaccess form for your office. "From soil nutrients, to seed and precision agriculture technologies - we're working to provide growers with a road map for what can be achieved through embracing today's cutting-edge science and agronomic techniques in order to achieve new levels of yield success not reached by previous generations."

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