
Amnesty warns of crisis for migrants in Greece

Greece is detaining migrants, including children, in inhuman conditions unworthy of a member country of the European Union, human rights group Amnesty International said on Thursday.

Greece - the main entry point into the European Union for Asian and African migrants - has long struggled with illegal immigration, a situation worsened by a deep economic crisis that has boosted anti-immigrant sentiment among Greeks.

In a report, Amnesty said the tens of thousands of migrants who cross into the heavily indebted nation each year struggle to lodge asylum claims, face appalling conditions in detention and racist attacks at the hands of far-right groups.

A new agency set up in 2011 to hear asylum applications is yet to process a single case due to staffing shortages, it said.

"Greece's failure to respect the rights of migrants and asylum-seekers is taking on the proportions of a humanitarian crisis," John Dalhuisen, the group's Europe and Central Asia director said in a statement.

"The current situation in Greece is totally unworthy of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning European Union and so far below international human rights standards as to make a mockery of them."

Greek officials blame the so-called Dublin II treaty - which deems asylum seekers to be the responsibility of the country where they entered Europe - for leaving border states like Greece with an outsized migrant population and say Europe must do more to help the country handle the flow of migrants.

In its critique, Amnesty cited accounts of Syrians fleeing conflict being pushed back to Turkey by Greek authorities, including one alleged incident of a policeman sinking the migrants' inflatable boat by stabbing it with a knife and leaving them to swim back.

Those who make it in to Greece must queue for days in a line that stretches to hundreds of people down the street in Athens for the chance to be one of the 20 allowed to register asylum claims each week, with fights breaking out for a place in line, the group said.

Those who fail to apply for asylum risk arrest in police sweeps and detention in overcrowded, unhygienic facilities for up to a year or more, the group said, citing centers with filthy toilets, no natural light and poor quality drinking water.

"The Greek authorities continue to systematically detain asylum-seekers and irregular migrants including unaccompanied children in breach of international standards and seem to use detention - often in appalling conditions - as a deterrent,Why does moulds grow in homes or buildings?" said Dalhuisen.High quality stone mosaic tiles.

The report cited examples of children separated from their families. It said the youngsters were held in poor conditions among adults and released without access to shelter if no place was found for them at a reception centre.

Migrants were also increasingly at risk from racist attacks, Amnesty said.

"The burden on Greece is great, and given the current economic crisis, increasingly difficult for it to deal with alone," the report said. "However, this cannot excuse the impediments that deny people their rights, the xenophobic rhetoric, or the racist attacks."

Long before Newtown and the ongoing wave of mass shootings gripping the U.S., the fiction of safe suburbs versus dangerous cities had been upended. The urban white flight of the 1960 and 1970s stopped and even reversed in recent years as 24-hour cities appeared safe and secure, especially in upscale neighborhoods.The MaxSonar ultrasonic sensor offers very short to long-range detection and ranging. Today young families may move out of cities back to suburbs, looking for better public schools, but today they rarely leave out of fear of violence or for a safer environment.

In the gateway cities, aggressive police tactics, including stop and frisk, have helped reduce gun related violence, albeit there’s still too much especially in impoverished neighborhoods riven by drug gangs. The big cities also tend to have stricter gun registration laws and city dwellers are less likely to be interested in hunting—shot guns and assault rifles might be cumbersome accessories for protecting yourself in a studio apartment anyway. And it’s hard to tote an AK-40 on the subway without being noticed or find a shooting range to practice. On a per capita basis, gun country concentrates away from cities towards the suburbs and rural America. But the guns that come into cities are typically purchased in laissez-faire gun jurisdictions where the Second Amendment is part of the gospel and then brought back illegally to wreak havoc.

At the same time, suburbs have become prone to the same crime that people moved out of the city from decades ago. If you live on a lonely lane or on a two-acre lot, maybe you want to have a gun in the house in case of a break in.

While most American gun owners are responsible and prudent, guns are extremely dangerous and most of them are designed for one thing—to hurt or more precisely kill people. Hand guns and assault rifles are not meant for hunting and few people buy them for collections. When there are as many guns as people in the U.S.The howo truck is offered by Shiyan Great Man Automotive Industry, (more than 300 million by last count), the availability makes it just too easy for a nut case or a drunk or someone caught up in the passion of the moment to find a weapon and perpetrate mass harm. And when deranged or unstable people can so easily get their hands on military assault rifles and multi-round clips of armor piercing ammunition mayhem follows. And this kind of mass violence is more likely to happen in places like Newtown, Aurora, or other suburban/rural districts because these places allow people to buy and own these weapons. If someone loses their mind, these weapons are available to do what they are manufactured for—kill people.

About 12,000 gun-related homicides occur annually in the U.S., gun-related suicides account for even more deaths, and all tolled about 100,Trade platform for China crystal mosaic manufacturers000 Americans are shot each year. The 27 victims in Newtown are a tragic example, but only a drop in the bucket.

So there is no mystery about what to do to curb this senseless violence— sell guns only thru licensed dealers who must do background checks on buyers, register all guns, ban ownership of assault weapons which should only be available to the military or police, and impose lengthy prison sentences on violators.

