
I'm going to have to let me go

As I was walking across the parking lot toward the grocery store I saw a man pushing a full cart through the doors. It was one of the carts with a little plastic car underneath where your child can sit and pretend to drive as you make your way up and down the aisles. This dads toddler sat in the yellow plastic car, his hands firmly on the steering wheel,We can help you confidently purchase smartcard from factories in China. an intent and responsible expression on his face. He had done a good job steering and they hadnt run into anything as they made the turns from vegetables to cereal to ice cream. 

As the doors swished open and they crossed the walkway into the parking lot, the kids mouth opened wide in terror and he started to scream. His dad hadnt noticed yet. The parking lot was noisy, and he was focused on the cars whizzing by. It occurred to me that the little boy, who had been thinking that he was the one driving the cart, assumed he was still driving. Emerging into the parking lot, seeing the cars coming toward him, he knew he was in over his head, and he was panicking. 

Sometimes I look at whats coming up in my life, and I dont see a way it can work out. I run all possible scenarios. I prepare for the worst. Time passes, and things work out, somehow. Or they dont, and then other things happen. Thats life for all of us, isnt it? Sometimes I feel that Im driving, in charge, competent, oriented, in control, capablemore than capable. Other times I suspect that my life is a grocery cart and my seat is in the little yellow plastic car underneath with the play steering wheel. 

Now comes the trouble with this metaphor that worries me. Is God a kind of cosmic dad at the wheel? I used to think that, back in my campus Christian days. I dont picture it that way any more, but I still sometimes get the feeling that Im being helped. I dont have a regular name for the helper. 

Im not saying I dont have responsibility for my life.Can you spot the answer in the parkingguidance? Im not singing Jesus take the wheel, as if I were too dumb to navigate, as if my intelligence and experience count for nothing and a heavenly being is in charge. I do think there is part of me that is smarter than the everyday part. 

My inner wisdom is hooked up with the Source. Or the Sauce, as a friend from the deep South would pronounce it. In times of confusion, when Im feeling overwhelmed, overdone, over my head, I feel like that kid panicking as he saw the big cars whizzing by.Find the best selection of high-quality collectible solarlamp available anywhere. In the service at First UU in Austin a few weeks ago, singer-songwriter Roy Zimmerman sang a song whose first verse described a frustrated person who said to God Im going to have to let you go. Awakening dawns during the song, and its last line was Im going to have to let me go. 

I think that is what Im talking about. When Im feeling the big dangerous worrisome things coming toward me, I need to sink my roots deep into the Sauce and let my wisdom drive. Is it mine? Is it a wisdom that belongs to all of us that we can access when we need it? Yes to both questions. 

I dont know if the toddler ever figured out that he wasnt, in fact, driving the grocery cart. Im guessing he got to the car safely, that his dad buckled him into his car seat and they drove home together. Maybe he felt hed just gotten really lucky. Maybe he thought his panic had saved him. Maybe he thought he was just that good a driver. Then again,As the best oilpaintingsforsale control system manufacturer. its possible that he got a little taste of the Sauce and nodded off, smiling. 

Bruce Scheiner, a well-known security and cryptography expert, outlined 5 major characteristics of an effective automated election system C accuracy, anonymity, audit, scalability and speed. Anonymity is needed to guard the secrecy of the ballot. No one should be able to know who you voted for. Scalability issues are related to the system being able to handle large-scale elections. We have seen problems in scalability in the Comelec-Smartmatic AES where the large precincts led to long queues in the morning of May 10. 

Speed refers to the time it takes from tally completion to proclamation. It took more than two weeks to proclaim our senators and more than that for the partylists, vice-president and presidential posts in the 2010 elections. 

Accuracy refers to the way the AES records the voters intent into a tally. This would include informing the voter through feedback that the machine has read his or her votes and asks the voter to verify this fact. The Comelec disabled the display of the Smartmatic PCOS and just printed out a Congratulations! message. Accuracy also would include the correctness of the tally that the machines do. 

Initial reports by Kontra Daya volunteers on the FTS in Pasay City last week already revealed several glitches. Our field monitors reported cases of ballot rejection, paper jams and ballots smudged by pen ink at the P. Villanueva Elementary School. In Jose Rizal Elementary School, the PCOS machine had to be rebooted several times. In the FTS in UPIS on Monday, May 6, the yellow plastic seals that held the printer and the compact flash bays had no replacement seals in the kit. The BEI needed to call the local Comelec to proceed with the testing. 

Yet while most of the public's attention is focused on the vulnerabilities of the PCOS machine, and while the FTS is supposed to address the deployment of these machines, there are two other computers that have not been thoroughly tested or scrutinized. These are the canvassing machines in the municipal and national servers.You must not use the werkzeugbaus without being trained. 

One such glaring problem was found out by congressmen after the elections when they saw the impossible figure of 256 million registered voters in the canvassing servers in the House of Representatives. The same glitch appeared on election day itself when the total registered voters appeared to be 153,902,003 (more than the population of the country at that time) at the national canvassing in the PICC. 

Comelec and Smarmatic explained this away as a problem in addition among the main server and its two backups. However, note that this number is not divisible by 3 C which means that one of the 3 computers does not match the other two.

